"Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." John 8:32

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

No Nukes in Iran?

The Bible says that out of men's hearts comes evil thoughts. Since I believe that, this statement from Manouchehr Mottaki, Iran's foreign minister, is especially troubling.

"We emphasize the peaceful nature of our nuclear weapons... I mean... of our nuclear power plant, and nuclear energy and activities."
Go read the whole thing here. Take them for their words. War is coming.

Hat tip to The Gathering Storm. A great blog site.


Blogger Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...


Greetings BOZ. My name is Bobby Valentine and I followed the link of Jason T. Carter's blog here.

I am as concerned with WMD as you are . . . I don't loose sleep over them because God reigns . . . but I am concerned.

For the sake of dialogue let me ask two questions: 1) Suppose Iran refuses to stop the enrichment of uranium. What should we do about it? Should we invade Iran? What course of action should the US, and more importantly should CHRISTIANS pray for??

Second, this one is perhaps a little more touchy. Again I ask this for the sake of dialogue and not argument. Why should the US care if Iran has nukes? On what MORAL basis is it justified (morally) for the US to have thousands of nuclear warheads that could destroy the face of the earth but it is "immoral" for Iran to have any?

I don't want the Iranians to have them. But, as a Christian, I am wondering why the (apparent) double standard in this business.

I invite you to come by my blog and visit. It is at http://stoned-campbelldisciple.blogspot.com/

Again I am not trying to stir up a hornets nest . . . just seeking real dialogue (which is so rare in this day and age)

Bobby Valentine

3:53 PM  
Blogger B0Z said...

Hi Bobby!

Sorry I've not responded sooner. I've been very busy in our congregation where I serve as an elder and at work as well. I just returned from a week of camp at Fort Hill Christian Youth Camp where I taught a full week of the "Plan of Salvation" to a wonderful class of 23 14 year olds. My life is very full and happy. My blog page is a place for me to vent my opinions about the world at large. It's interesting to occasionally post something (like today) because it helps me to clarify for myself my thinking on world events and my place in it as a child of God. I'm glad you do not lose any sleep over WMD's. I don't either. I sleep like a rock! LOL! In Christ I am secure and I fear no man or weapon. God indeed reigns. I will answer both questions.

1. Suppose Iran refuses to stop the enrichment of uranium. What should we do about it? Should we invade Iran? What course of action should the US, and more importantly should CHRISTIANS pray for??

LOL! That was more like four questions. The decision about Iran's uranium enrichment will hinge on one of two things: Whether or not Israel waits for the United States to act (they may act unilaterally) or we act to preserve the flow of oil and maintain our strategic position in the region. Israel will act primarily out of self-preservation if they believe Iran is close to a deliverable nuke. We will act to stabilize world markets, especially our own. I don't believe we will actually invade unless Iran either demonstrates a nuclear test or prepares to launch an imminent strike against Israel. Christians should be praying that God's will be done in all matters of men and that doors are opened for Christians to be able to go to Iran and preach the gospel.

2. Why should the US care if Iran has nukes? On what MORAL basis is it justified (morally) for the US to have thousands of nuclear warheads that could destroy the face of the earth but it is "immoral" for Iran to have any?

I am convinced that Ahmadinejad means what he says. Given the chance, he would use the first nuke Iran can make to either detonate a demonstration test or launch it on Israel. If he launches a nuke, we will have a world war. He fervently believes the 12th imman is coming soon and that he can help world events unfold for Islam. Ahmadinejad has presented himself as the herald or "prophet" of the Hidden Imam - the ultimate, if absent, ruler and authority for so-called Twelver Shiism - and has gone so far as to claim that he had a vision of the Imam, at the UN of all places. I would prefer our country to have no nuclear weapons. But we do. We have not threatened to use them as Iran has. I am convinced that nukes have not been used since WWII because the United States does have a sense of morality. After all, most of God's people live here. That does not make our country a "holy nation" or anything like that. Only God's people, in Christ, are holy. Not because of anything we have done, but Jesus' blood makes us, His body, a royal priesthood and the bride of Christ. God raised our country up and He will take it back down in His good time.

Lastly, I am concerned about world events because my daughter is leaving for Germany this fall to begin a two to three period work in the mission field. She will be teaching English using the Bible and helping a missionary couple that has been in-country for over 30 years. As a dad, I want her to be safe and as a brother in Christ, I want her to have a chance to help save precious souls.

And all of that is why I care if Iran has nukes.

In Christ,

PS I will be happy to check out your blog page. Thank you for the invitation.

6:31 PM  

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