"Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." John 8:32

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Nature of Islam

Victor Davis Hanson has a great post exploring the reasons for home-grown jihad. Here's some great questions he asks that you won't see in the media.
Why would Albanian-speaking Muslim refugees from the Balkans try to murder American soldiers? After all, the United States — not bin Laden’s rag-tag jihadists — saved Bosnia and Kosovo? And we did that by bombing the capital of a Christian European nation.

But then, why did a mixed-up Albanian Muslim in Salt Lake City, one Sulejman Talovic, go on a shopping-mall shooting spree? Five innocents were killed in the attack before the murderer himself was shot and killed.

And why, after pouring billions of dollars into Afghanistan, did poor, mixed-up Omeed Aziz Popal, an Afghan Muslim, try to run over several innocents in San Francisco near a Jewish center in September 2006?

Or, for that matter, why did an angry Muslim Pakistani gun down Jews in Seattle?

Or, again, why earlier last year, did a 22-year-old Iranian-American Muslim drive his sport utility vehicle into a crowded pedestrian zone at the University of North Carolina?
Here's the short answer.... It's the nature of Islam and it always has been. Take them at their word. Read the Quoran. Take it at it's word. It's the nature of Islam.

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